The Essential Low Back Training Program
The ELBP is based on the landmark NIH study that shifted the tide! Robin’s experience in training teachers and therapists is renowned. Every yoga teacher, regardless of lineage can benefit from this program.
Beyond Painkillers: Can Yoga Help Relieve Your Back Pain?
Does yoga offer a viable complement to painkillers or even surgery in the treatment of back pain? And if so, what might the treatment of back pain look like in the future? In this interview, Huffington Post discuss that question with yoga therapist Robin Rothenberg, who created the yoga protocol for one of the first NIH-funded studies on yoga for back pain.
Mentor’s Corner Column – Spring 2012: Neuropathy and Pelvic Stabilization
Robin's Mentor's Corner column appeared regularly in Yoga Therapy Today. You can download a copy of the summer 2012 edition of the column or read it here.