Yoga Therapy in Practice: Assembling the Pain Puzzle
Every day in my yoga therapy practice I have a similar jigsawpuzzle experience. Typical scenario: a client enters asking for assistance in alleviating pain. Although pain can show up in a variety of places in the body, heart, or mind, objectively speaking “pain” is not a complete descriptor of the experience any particular person may be having at any particular time.
Yoga Therapy Today Feature
Look for Robin's contribution to this quarter's issue of Yoga Therapy Today, focused on using yoga therapy in the treatment of chronic pain. Yoga Therapy Today is published by the International Association of Yoga Therapists and is edited by Kelly M. Birch, ERYT-500.
Yoga Therapy - A Case for Collaboration
I often find doctors and other medical professionals a bit perplexed when they hear of the wide spectrum of conditions with which my yoga therapy clients contend. Along with chronic back, neck and hip issues, there are those who also battle auto-immune disorders such as Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, Lupus, M.S., RA or cancer.